搜到这一篇,值得仔仔细细读 https://msshiandmrhe.com/chiffon-cake/ 关于蛋黄液,文章推荐的是 “ Flour oil method ” is to mix flour and oil first , then add in rest of the ingredients: egg yolks, milk, and vanilla extract. 可以有效避免gluten The principle of this method is that after the oil is mixed with the flour, the oil surrounds the flour particles , effectively preventing the formation of gluten after we add water later. 还有一种热油法,是类似的,但需要掌握好温度不要过热。 Hot Oil Method Strictly speaking, “ hot oil method ” is a branch of the flour oil method. We need to heat the oil to 70-80°C, pour it to the cake flour, mix well, then add the rest of the ingredients. INGREDIENTS for making a 6 inch chiffon cake 3 large eggs (Each egg weighs about 60g with shell) 50 g cake flour (Can be substituted with 40g all purpose flour + 10g cornstarch) 30 g vegetable oil (Or corn oil) 30 g milk (Or soymilk, coconut milk, oat milk, almond milk …) 45...
今天做了一个海绵戚风蛋糕,用的配方是萨姐的,但是把面粉增加了一些,否则蛋糊太稀 我已经很注意以下几点了,这几点据说能避免蛋糕凹底 1. 蛋白里不加白醋 2. 蛋白要打发到干性发泡状态,也就是盆里的蛋白质霜是直立尖角状态,打蛋头上的蛋白霜也是直立尖角 3. 烤盆放在烤箱中下层 今天用五个鸡蛋做的巧克力戚风蛋糕,在烤箱里膨胀的高度刚好到烤盘的高度,算是长得最高的一次,表面开裂也是细微。外观看很完美。但没想到的是,倒扣晾凉后,底部脱模非常容易,当下就觉得一定是底部凹底。一翻开一看,果不其然 搜到有人在Quora询问戚风凹底的问题。和我的情况一模一样 https://www.quora.com/Why-is-my-chiffon-cake-pulling-away-from-the-bottom-of-my-pan-I-havent-greased-it-The-sides-stick-firmly-enough-so-when-I-invert-it-it-doesnt-fall-out-But-because-the-bottom-pulls-away-it-causes-the-middle-of-the Why is my chiffon cake pulling away from the bottom of my pan? I haven't greased it. The sides stick firmly enough, so when I invert it, it doesn't fall out. But because the bottom pulls away, it causes the middle of the cake to become dense. 有一个人的回答让我很感兴趣。他提到烤好后不要立刻拿出来,而是jai fai Now this I think was the game changer for me. After the baking time, I don't take out the pans straight away from the oven to cool. So I invert them in a cookie sheet, put them back to the oven wi...