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Showing posts from 2018

Christmas log cake (圣诞木头蛋糕)

For making the top layer with black chocolate and butter, I follow the method in this video Ingredient (I only use half of the quantity in the video) Black chocolate 125g Butter 100g Brown sugar 25g Milk 1/2 tbsp Vanilla extract 1/4 tsp Tips: After melting black chocolate in the butter, put the mixture in the fridge. Need to check it after 15 minutes. Don’t leave it in the fridge for too long, otherwise the mixture will become solid which is undesirable. For the Swiss roll, I just use this recipe

Vanilla Swiss roll (原味瑞士卷)

Vanilla Swiss roll  Egg 4  Separate egg white and yolk For mixing the yolk: Caster sugar 15g Corn Oil 40g Milk 70g Cake flour 80g (sipped) For beating the egg white Caster sugar 40g Vinegar one drop For the icing Whipping cream 70g Icing sugar 10g Bake at 180 degree for 18-20 minutes Tips: Beat the egg white first as the egg white foam can remain stable for 10 minutes while you are whisking the yolk

Chocolate Swiss roll (巧克力瑞士卷)

chocolate Swiss roll  Egg 4  Separate egg white and yolk For mixing the yolk: Caster sugar 15g Corn Oil 40g Cocoa powder 20g Warm water 70g (for dissolving cocoa powder. Milk is also fine) Cake flour 50g (sipped) For beating the egg white Caster sugar 40g Vinegar one drop For the icing Whipping cream 70g Icing sugar 10g Bake at 180 degree for 18-20 minutes Tips: Beat the egg white first as the egg white foam can remain stable for 10 minutes while you are whisking the yolk

Bake Swiss roll within 45 minutes (45分钟做好瑞士卷)

After successfully making vanilla and chocolate Swiss roll several times, now I am confident enough to declare that a Swiss roll can be baked within a mere 45 minutes.  Here are the tips: The duration of  45 minutes is divided into three sessions, each spanning 15 minutes.  Stage 1:  Spend the first 15 minutes finding the ingredients and containers (cups, bowls) and measuring the ingredients with digital scale. Firstly, you need to get the milk, eggs, vanilla essence from the fridge.  Secondly, you need to get the cake bread, caster sugar, cocoa powder, corn oil from the kitchen cabinet  Thirdly, you need to get 7 bowls or cups from kitchen cabinet to store the required amount of ingredient  Here is why we need 7 bowls in the case of chocolate Swiss roll. And you need 6 bowls in the case of vanilla Swiss roll  A big bowl for the cake bread A cup for caster sugar to be mixed with yolk   A cup for caste...

Soft bread with butter (用黄油的松软面包)

I find this recipe in youtube    Soft Bread Recipe Ingredients  Water 120ml yeast 1 tea spoon sugar 3 tea spoon salt 3/4 tea spoon Milk powder 4 table spoon Egg 1 Bread flour 250g Melt butter 20g I put all the ingredients except the butter into the Philips food processor model HR7776 and let it knead for 10 minutes. Then I put the melt and soft butter of 20gram into the batter. Continue to knead for several minutes until the batter becomes smooth,  elastic and stretchy. The first time I make this bread, I simply put the dough on the silicone mat and cover it with a very big stainless steel bowl which I bought from ikea. The dough rises fast and  well.  But the second time I make this bread, the dough does not rise as fast as the previous one. It becomes only slightly bigger after one hour. I am curious about what might go wrong. I decide to put it inside the bowl and cover it wi...

Giraffe Swiss Roll (长颈鹿图案的瑞士卷)

I find this recipe in YouTube video Recipe Ingredient Eggs 4 Sugar for yolk 20g Sugar for egg white 30g Milk 70g Oil 20g Cake flour 80g Cocoa powder 1 teaspoon Whipping cream 200g Strawberry some I’ve been making muffin, chiffon cake and bread in the past few months. I’ve not baked Swiss roll for quite some time. The video looks interesting, especially the giraffe pattern is funny. I decide to try this recipe.  While I was preparing the ingredients for making Swiss roll, niuniu swam in the pool. When she came back, she was surprised to find  I’ve already started beating the egg white and did not wait for her as I promised. She instantly got angry and even started to cry, saying “mama is a baby” to vent her anger. She was irritated because she thought I did not keep my promise. I reassured her that she would do  the most difficult step - using the piping bag to make the giraffe pattern. She stopping crying finally...

Mango Pudding with Gluten Powder (吉利丁粉做芒果布丁)

I follow this recipe Recipe 1.芒果果肉约250克切块,用搅拌机打成 浆状 。 Cut 250 gram of Mango into cubes and blend it in the blender. I blend mango together with milk as milk makes blending so much easier 2.牛奶150克加入芒果浆中成芒果液,然后 过筛 ,这样做出来的布丁很细滑。 It is important to sip it for a silky texture  3.再用150克牛奶放入小锅中,加入10克 吉利丁粉 ,慢慢搅拌,后放入火上慢慢加热,50度左右后关火,一直慢慢搅拌直到吉利丁粉全部溶化。 Pour 150gram milk into a pot and melt gluten powder. Heat it over fire and keep stirring until gluten powder melts totally. Remove from fire when temperature reaches 50 degree  4.把加有吉利丁粉的牛奶慢慢倒入芒果液中,搅拌均匀。 Pour the milk with melt gluten powder to the mixture of mango and milk, stir evenly  5.把布丁液倒入杯子中,将杯子在桌上轻轻磕一下, 震出气泡 ,大气泡用牙签挑破,小气泡用厨房纸轻轻擦轼掉。 盖上保鲜膜,然后放冰箱中冷藏三个小时以上即可食用。我做的是四杯的量。 Pour it into a container. Drop the container from a height to break the bubbles. Cover it with plastic wrap and put it inside refrigerator for 3 hours.  My fina...

Chocolate chiffon cupcake (巧克力戚风杯子蛋糕)

I follow this recipe   with necessary changes Recipe Ingredients: 3 egg yolks - I use 4 egg yolks   30 gm caster sugar - I use 25g 45 ml milk, room temperature - I use cold milk   35 ml olive oil - I normally use sunflower oil or canola oil. But I try olive oil this time. It turns out fine.   To be honest, I don’t think the taste is much different from that with other oil 60 gm cake flour ½ tsp baking powder - i’ve never used baking powder in making chiffon cake in the past. But I give it a try this time, although I think it will not make much difference with little baking powder 15 gm cocoa powder - I put the flour, cocoa powder and baking powder together in a large bowl before sipping them altogether Ingredients of meringue: 4 egg whites 60 gm caster sugar - I use 55g sugar A drop of vinegar   The batter is enough to fill a bakin...

Make a chiffon cake with new 20cm cake pan (20cm圆模的戚风蛋糕)

There was a year end sale in Robinson The Jem last weekend. Bakeware of some brands offered 20-30 % discount. How could I resist such attracting price and not take this opportunity to invest in some new bakeware? Everyone had the same mindset as me, that is why the shop was really crowded the whole day. After shopping in it for several hours, I finally got one a 20cm*7cm round baking pan with purple color, a loaf pan, and other interesting kitchen stuff like the pineapple slicer Before buying this pan, I’ve already owned two baking pans, one is black from Wilson, another red chiffon pan from Ikea which has a hole in the centre. It is a traditional chiffon pan. Both of them are 24cm in diameter. Most of time I use the black one and I only use the red one occasionally. The reason why I want a smaller pan is that I want to make smaller cake and bring it to the toastmaster club to share with club members. I’ve seen others bringing fruits, fried noodles, snack to the club, and I w...

Cupcake with Plain flour + self-rising flour mixes (普通面粉混合自发面粉做杯子蛋糕)

早起一看时间才7点多,觉得出门前还来得及做一次muffin,于是就动手做了。 先上成品图 还是上次的配方,有点修改 Recipe Ingredients 2 medium eggs 125ml vegetable oil (106克) 250ml semi-skimmed milk 250g golden caster sugar (我用了130克) 400g self-raising flour (or same quantity plain flour and 3 tsp baking powder) 1 tsp salt 100g chocolate chips or dried fruit such as sultanas or dried cherries (optional) (我用了chocolate chips, 黑芝麻和葵花籽,随便撒了一把,没有准确称量) 今天碰上一点小意外,plain flour只有300克,难道要专程跑一趟超市买一袋新面粉吗?虽然超市就在对面,出门也就五分钟。但我灵机一动,干脆掺100克self-rising flour。但这样就需要减少baking powder 的用量。原配方里400克面粉用3 tsp baking powder,现在只需要300/400*3 =2.25 tsp。1 tsp = 5ml。我有两把勺子,一把大的5ml,一把小的2.5ml。于是放了2大勺加一小勺baking powder。其实应该放半小勺,我偷懒了。烤好后的muffin略微有一点baking powder的特殊味道,不过非常不明显。我应该再添一把1.25ml的小小勺,会更方便一点。 注意!baking power的份量很重要! Baking powder放多了会导致muffin彻底失败的,前阵子我就吃了这个亏。那天用的另一个配方,莫名其妙看错了,放了3 table spoon 的发粉!要知道1 table spoon= 15ml。也就是1 tbsp = 3 tsp。我加的发粉是正常的三倍!不可饶恕无法挽回的错误啊!结果烤出来全是发粉味,吃了半个都快吐了。为了自己和家人的健康起见,把烤盘里的一股脑全倒了。这个教训我是一定会牢记,永远忘不了了。所以准确称量发粉是非常...

A failed loaf bread (失败的吐司面包)

前段时间一直做muffin,cupcake,觉得有点腻味了。再加上觉得松糕含糖量太大,并不是十分健康。于是想转型做做面包。 一开始我以为面包不难做,没想到几度尝试,发现竟然都不太成功。这才意识到面包远比蛋糕复杂。不过,越是有挑战我越有兴趣。失败是成功之母,来记录几次失败或不够成功的做面包经历吧 失败的吐司面包 上周末尝试了loaf吐司面包,结果是彻头彻尾的失败。用hand mixer 揉面的,估计揉面时间太短,结果面团没揉好,烤出来是外硬内湿。我不死心把面包重新回炉再烤了十几分钟,还是于事无补。只能含泪把这失败的面包扔了。 一年前刚买电动搅拌器的时候,最开始做就是从面包入手的。第一次做就挺成功的,做过香肠面包等。后来才开始学做戚风蛋糕等。想不到大半年不做面包,技术都忘光了。都忘记了和面的手法了。 用kenwood厨师机 DH看我闷闷不乐,给我出主意说:面没和好是因为你用的和面机力气不够大。你需要用和面专用的厨师机!他指的是买了很久但我们不常用到的Kenwood mixer,它有个弯钩就是用来和面的。我之前和面用的Braun 的小巧的hand mixer 。DH说这个手动的和点蛋糕糊还行,和面力气不够 他于是把这台笨重的Kenwood 机器拿出来,教我怎么使用。说可以解放我的双手,机器和面的时候我可以去做点别的事。 为了掌握正确的做面包方法,我和他还积极地在youtube 搜面包达人们的视频。他发现了一个面点高手名叫小高姐,还是陕西人,现在北美。他津津有味地看了小高姐做拉丝面包的视频,非常崇拜她。称呼她女神,还逗我:你现在知道你和女神的差距了吧!我有点不服气:要是我不上班,一天到晚捣鼓面团,我也能像她一样高水平。嘴上不服但心里是服的,还是跟着这些面点高手们好好学吧 小高姐做面包是用开水烫面的。DH学了这招,但可能只学到了皮毛,另外对厨师机的使用方法例如如何控制和面速度掌握得不到位,最后揉出来的面还是没有出传说中的“手套膜”。烤出来的面包也只是普通味道,并没有传说中的”拉丝”。挺失望的,看来厨师机也不能保证面和到位,肯定还有些秘诀。总之,我已经清醒意识到面包比我想象中难做多了。 要表扬妞妞,帮我做面包造型 屡败屡战 这周我继续挑战面包。用的配方是 https:...

Vanilla chiffon cupcake (香草味戚风蛋糕)

用的配方 Recipe 用料 低筋面粉80克 玉米油45克 牛奶45克 蛋清(细砂糖:60g)5份 - 我用了50克 蛋黄(细砂糖:25g)5个 - 我用了20克 烤箱上下火160度20-30分钟 最后的成品照 第一步:蛋黄和蛋清分离 一开始我用分蛋器,前两个顺顺利利地分好了。妞妞过来问我,第三个会不会fail?我很有自信地说不会。没想到却被她预言中了,接连两个都出了问题,每次都有一点蛋黄掉入蛋清里面,只好弃之不用,等下拿来做面包了。看来鸡蛋不放在冰箱,只放在室温下的抽屉里是容易变得不新鲜的。 接连两次失败让我有点气急败坏,决定还是用回我的土方法来分离,那就是“ 汤匙分蛋法 ”。需要的器具就是两把圆汤匙。汤匙尺寸有讲究,得不大不小刚好够盛得了一个蛋黄 方法是这样的 1。把蛋壳打碎,鸡蛋整个倒进碗里。要小心让蛋黄和蛋白不要混合 2。左手拿碗,略微倾斜,右手用汤匙把蛋黄盛起来。 3。把右手汤匙的蛋黄倒到左手汤匙里。再反过来把左手汤匙的蛋黄倒到右手汤匙里。重复数次,最后蛋白都流下去,汤匙中只剩蛋黄。 很简单吧!这方法其实就是最古老的分蛋法的变种。最古老的方法是鸡蛋磕破后,左右手各拿半个鸡蛋,把蛋黄从一边倒入另一半,不断反复就好了。 分离蛋白蛋黄是最关键的一步,也是最耗费时间的一步。这一步做好了,后面的就简单了。 现在蛋白和蛋黄要分开处理了。蛋白要加入醋和分三次加入糖,用电动搅拌器打发到基本不流动。这个配方上说打到湿性发泡,出现小弯钩。一般来说戚风蛋糕是要打到干性发泡,出现直立的小钩的。 蛋白打好之后就可以预热烤箱,上下火160度 蛋黄的部分,先加入细砂糖,用手动打蛋器搅拌浓稠即可。再加入牛奶:45克,玉米油:45克,用打蛋器混合均匀 面粉过筛一次性倒入(可分三次加入) 用橡皮刮刀翻拌手法拌匀。(为了避免消泡,不能用画圈圈) 这一步我其实还是用打蛋器画圈圈搅拌的。很快能拌好,如果用刮刀好像很慢。但这次做出来的蛋糕正反面都是凹的,不知道是不是和我这一步偷懒有关 最后,混合。方法是:取三分之一蛋白霜加入蛋黄糊中,用翻拌手法拌匀。再将蛋糕糊倒入三分之二蛋白霜中。用翻拌手法搅拌均匀顺滑看不见蛋白霜即可。注...

Muffin with chocolate chips (加巧克力碎片的松糕)

按照这个配方,但有调整份量 Ingredients 2 medium eggs 125ml vegetable oil 250ml semi-skimmed milk 250g golden caster sugar (我用了160克但还是甜,也许因为chocolate chips增加了甜度) 400g self-raising flour (or same quantity plain flour and 3 tsp baking powder)  我用了自发面粉 1 tsp salt 100g chocolate chips or dried fruit such as sultanas or dried cherries (optional) 我用了70g chocolate chips,在Phoon Huat奋发烘焙店买的。 面糊 面糊份量挺多的,如果用面糊填满3/4纸杯的份量,完全可以做14个muffin 。但我为了省事,就把每个纸杯基本填满了,应该是5/6的份量了。结果muffin涨得太饱满了。 烘烤方法 烤箱190度,烤20分钟。 这次muffin烤得很松软,意想不到的好吃。拿几个去朋友家,大人小孩都赞不绝口。DH说,有可能是你放了chocolate chips,所以多了水分变得湿润松软了。DH的理论总是一套一套的,虽然他自己不烘焙,但总能说得头头是道,被我笑“伪专家”

Cupcake with self-rising flour (用自发面粉做杯子蛋糕)

用这个食谱, cupcake recipe 但修改了一下份量 Cupcake recipe SERVES/MAKES Serves 12 Ingredients 110g softened butter 110g golden caster sugar (我用90克) 2 large eggs (我用3个鸡蛋) ½ tsp vanilla extract 110g self-raising flour For the buttercream 150g softened butter (我用75克黄油,也就是份量减半。最后打出来的糖霜装饰10个蛋糕之后,剩下的还够装饰好几个蛋糕的) 300g icing sugar (我用110克糖粉,但还觉得很甜) 1 tsp vanilla extract 3 tbsp milk (我用1.5tbsp milk) food colouring paste of  your choice (optional)  (选了蓝色。黄色奶油和蓝色糖霜混合后的颜色很美) Method Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and fill a 12 cupcake tray with cases.Bake for 15 mins until golden brown 黄油+白糖 先用电动搅拌器打发黄油和白糖。然后逐一加鸡蛋。每加一个鸡蛋就用电动搅拌器搅拌均匀。香草精也在这一步加入。妞妞帮我做所有这些步骤,当然,是在我指点下做的了。 鸡蛋都混合入黄油之后,我以为大功告成了,没想到眼尖的妞妞发现盆底有油。我吃了一惊,难道碰上传说中的油水分离现象了吗?我只好再用电动搅拌器多搅拌一会,但好像也没彻底解决这个问题。妞妞看我神色有点担心,她小心翼翼地问我:这次会fail吗?我心神不定地说:希望不会失败吧!其实我心里也是挺没底的。 面粉 接着就是用自发面粉,加一点点盐,过筛后分三次加入黄油蛋糊里。原配方里并没有说要分三次加入,但我看到有的视频里是这么做的。第一次做杯子蛋糕时我就分三次加入面粉,是成功的。所以为保险起见,这次还是分三次加入。妞妞又过来帮忙了。我叮嘱她不要过度搅拌,只要看不到粉就可以停止了 烘烤 我设置烤箱温度17...

My very first cupcake with butter (用黄油的杯子蛋糕)

muffin有两种做法:传统法和乳化法。 传统法 用的是植物油或融化成液态的黄油。 步骤是先把干性材料(面粉/泡打粉/苏打粉/盐)和湿性材料(鸡蛋/糖/牛奶/植物油或黄油)分开混合,最后干湿材料再混合,略微搅拌到看不见粉就可以了。最好立刻烤,要不然就会膨胀不好。这种做法烤出来的muffin口感比较粗糙,不像蛋糕那么细腻。 乳化法 用的是软化后的黄油,不能用植物油。 黄油的处理过程是:从冰箱取出黄油后切片,在室温软化后加入糖,香精,用电动搅拌器打发至蓬松(英文叫fluffy)。然后逐个加入鸡蛋。每加入一个鸡蛋就用电动搅拌器让油和水充分混合,不能出现油水分离现象。 干性材料的处理过程是:把面粉/泡打粉/苏打粉/盐 混合后过筛。把面粉分三等份,分三次加入黄油鸡蛋的混合液。每加入一份面粉,就用硅胶刮刀(英文叫spatula)拌均匀。注意不要过度搅拌(英文叫Do not overmix)。 烘焙方法 两种做法烤箱温度和烘焙时间也不一样。传统法是190度20分钟,乳化法是160度17分钟+180度3分钟。后面的三分钟升高温度可能是为了让muffin着色?作为新手,我只能照着别人的方子做,难免知其然而不知所以然。 前些天已经做了三次传统法的muffin了,已经相当熟练了。今天就学学乳化法吧!在youtube 上搜到了一个点击率过百万的视频。 这个视频把乳化法的步骤演示得清楚。虽然没有烘焙师真人露脸,甚至连解说旁白都没有,但每一步的画面交代都清楚,让人看得很明白。视频也把每种材料的重量很贴心地显示出来了,而且用的单位是gram不是cup,这一点也特别好。我看了两遍视频后就跃跃欲试地想要实践一下了。 Recipe Step 1 150g flour (I use cake flour) 1g baking soda 3g baking power Mix the above , sip it Step 2 Butter 150g Caster Sugar 130g (I use 100g) Vanilla 1 1/2 tea spoon Beat with electronic mixer...