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Make a chiffon cake with new 20cm cake pan (20cm圆模的戚风蛋糕)

There was a year end sale in Robinson The Jem last weekend. Bakeware of some brands offered 20-30 % discount. How could I resist such attracting price and not take this opportunity to invest in some new bakeware? Everyone had the same mindset as me, that is why the shop was really crowded the whole day. After shopping in it for several hours, I finally got one a 20cm*7cm round baking pan with purple color, a loaf pan, and other interesting kitchen stuff like the pineapple slicer

Before buying this pan, I’ve already owned two baking pans, one is black from Wilson, another red chiffon pan from Ikea which has a hole in the centre. It is a traditional chiffon pan. Both of them are 24cm in diameter. Most of time I use the black one and I only use the red one occasionally.

The reason why I want a smaller pan is that I want to make smaller cake and bring it to the toastmaster club to share with club members. I’ve seen others bringing fruits, fried noodles, snack to the club, and I want to contribute some food too. A big cake will be more than enough for a tea break. A middle-sized cake would be ideal for the occasion. 

The brand is wiltshire which is from Australia. It looks to me its quality is not as good as Wilson but better than Redman? Just my impression and it might be wrong

I wasted no time in using this brand new baking pan to make a small chiffon cake. 

I found this chiffon cake recipe and basically followed it with minor changes of some ingredients. For example, I don’t use lemon and baking powder. The recipe is meant to make a 17cm cake, but my pan is 20cm. So the actual height is shorter than the ideal height 6-7cm
Chiffon Cake


  1. 3 large eggs (separated)  - I use 4 normal size egg
  2. 85 g sugar- I use 75g, with 55g for egg white and 20g for yolk. It is not as sweet as expected. Maybe 85 is better. 
  3. 3 Tbsp neutral flavor oil (vegetable, canola, etc) 
  4. 75 g cake flour 
  5. A drop of white vinegar for beating the white egg
  6. A drop of vanilla essence for beating the yolk
  7. Bake at 170 degree for 30 - 35 minutes 


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