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想起柜子里有一些消毒用的药物,找出来,是NaCI 0.9% 装在软管里的无色透明液体。搜了一下,它可以用于伤口的消毒。就倒了一瓶在伤口上。明天早起去看医生。用消毒液淋来伤口之后,没有那么疼痛了。估计药物起作用了。看来平时要囤一些这样的消毒水在家里才好,关键时刻会有用到。


sodium Chloride 0.9% is used to replace lost body fluids and salts, dilute other medicines, and/or act as a sterile liquid for washing wounds, nasal passages or during surgery.


今天坐诊的是一位年轻的印度男医生。他看了看伤口说,it is superficial 。让我松了一口气。他开了一小瓶antibiotic cream ,药名是- Forsuderm ointment 5g (Sodium Fusidate). 每天涂两次,每次薄薄的一层 apply twice, apply a thin layer。他问要pain killer吗,我说不用了,没有那么疼。

看医生花了S$34.88, 其中诊费S$26 consultation Sunday , 药费S$6.6,加上7% GST 消费税。


Dr: what happened 

Me: last night when I baked the bread, my hand accidentally touched the oven, so it got a little burnt. I used the running water to wash the wound immediately for about 10 minutes, but I can still feel the pain

Dr: (quickly logging my case in the computer) so I will give you strong pain killer

Me: (a bit surprised) no, pain killer is not necessary, what I mean is that how to make this recover 

Dr: it will recover on its own. Just put the antibiotic cream

Me: just give me that, I don’t need pain killer, it is not that painful

Dr: but you mentioned the pain 

Me: the pain is not really severe 

Dr: so I will give you the antibiotic cream. is it itchy or not?

Me: no, not itchy

Dr: it is superficial 

Me: superficial? Really?

Dr: apply the cream twice a day

Me: will the skin color be like this for a long time?

Dr: it may not be like the same skin color. How different it is, i can’t say,  because everybody’s skin heals differently, but definitely it won’t be the same as normal

Me: my god!

Dr: there will be some scar, but won’t be too bad as it is superficial. I don’t think it will go back to normal, some difference should be there. Just hope for the best 

Me: is there any measure that can be used to make it better?

Dr: no

Me: no way? Just let it heal naturally?

Dr: don’t remove the skin. Let it heal on its own 

Me: fine. Can I take shower these few days

Dr: you can, but don’t run and take out the skin

Me: ok

Dr: the cream is just to prevent infection. If you get infection, then the healing will not be good. That is the purpose of antibiotic cream

Me: I see. Thank you so much

Dr: no problem 



First degree, or superficial burns, are the least severe and considered mild compared to other burns. They affect only the outer layer of the skin and are the most common type of burn.

Second degree, or partial thickness burns, can range from minor to serious and even life-threatening. The most common causes of second degree burns are a severe sunburn, touching a hot stove, exposure to fire, and contact with boiling water.

Third degree, or full thickness burns, can happen when exposure to heat source (fire, boiling water, or oven) lasts for more than a few seconds. These burns reach to the fat layer beneath the skin and are the most serious. 


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